Deborah M.

I have been undergoing therapy with the LENYO CellCom biofeedback BRT device for pain resulting from fibromyalgia, an injury to both my neck and back in a car accident, and a facial motor tick. I had the tick for about two years along with the fibromyalgia and I had the back and neck pain for seven years. In order to function each day I took pain medication and a sleep aid. After two treatments with the LENYO CellCom, my facial tick decreased by 90% and continued to lessen with each session until it was completely gone. Friends noticed immediately that the tick had greatly decreased. Additionally, after only four treatments, I realized I was not in need of a daily sleep aid and I was able to reduce my daily pain medications by 50%. I felt nothing during the treatments – no pain, no discomfort, it was like taking a nap. Now I sleep well, and I am able to participate in activities I was unable to enjoy for several years. The tick is now completely gone and I am no longer embarrassed to go out with friends and socialize. . . I sleep well and feel very balanced . . . I truly wish I had given the program a try sooner. I have now recommended the LENYO BRT technology and devices to several friends, and I call it ‘my miracle machine’.

Deborah M. Center for Brain Training • Jupiter, FL