Welcome to Lenyosys
PEMF and BioFeedback Devices help practitioners better serve their clients and expand their practice!
BRT (Bioregulation Therapy) is a unique approach to health and wellness that uses biofeedback and PEMF-based electromagnetic technology to help the body better self-regulate, adapt and heal naturally.

BRT (Bioregulation Therapy) utilizes PEMF & Biofeedback simultaneously.
There are over 2,000 studies conducted on PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology, including numerous double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. The majority of these studies demonstrate a higher percentage of benefits compared to the control group.
Positive Outcomes for
Muscle Injury
Nerve Damage
Alzheimer’s Disease
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
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What is BRT?
Benefits of BRT
Practitioner Benefits
- Easy to learn and operate
- Set up and leave – no need to monitor so there is time for other clients or multi-tasking
- Flexible footprint – doesn’t require dedicated space; can be run on a large armchair
- Exceptional ROI – positive contribution to the top line from the very first session
- Self-promoting – excellent client results will spread quickly through word-of-mouth
Client Benefits
- Easy to learn and operate
- Set up and leave – no need to monitor so there is time for other clients or multi-tasking
- Flexible footprint – doesn’t require dedicated space; can be run on a large armchair
- Exceptional ROI – positive contribution to the top line from the very first session
- Self-promoting – excellent client results will spread quickly through word-of-mouth
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Our BRT Products
We provide lease and financing options, contact us to learn more

The Lenyo Cellcom

The Lenyo LuxPro

The BioReg Nesta

Fractal XL+ S Set

Fractal Chair Pad + S Set
Practitioners Love Partnering with us!

Sebern Fisher M.A. LMH, BCN • North Hampton, MA
“I have the Fractal device and have offered it to some of my patients for pain and anxiety. They can use it during our talk sessions. It can be very effective for many issues including, in my experience, helping with exhaustion, back pain and digestion. I recommend the product and the company without hesitation. I have been amazed with the results of BRT.”

Mike Cohen • Center for Brain Training • Jupiter, FL
I am often amazed at how well clients respond to BRT. We use it in conjunction with neurofeedback to settle down “body symptoms” which so many clients have. It’s very powerful at calming the nervous system. After adding BRT to the practice, we see positive results in as little as one BRT session. Clients like it and many comment that they “just feel better” or have a sense of wellbeing… but it goes well beyond that.”