Professional BRT Products

Designed for optimum efficiency and performance, the LENYO suite of professional-level BRT products include devices that range from an advanced biofeedback solution to a multi-user, multi-session system. They can be used by large healthcare facilities, as well as individual practitioners in small wellness clinics. Offering an extensive variety of programs and the ability to build customized protocols, the LENYO professional devices can help professional practitioners to improve client outcomes, differentiate their practice and generate new revenue.

Showing all 3 results

  • LENYO Lux Pro

    The LENYO Lux Pro is a state-of-the-art BRT device designed for both home and professional use. With a comprehensive list of 136 BRT programs that can be combined to create custom protocols – and over 70 sub-programs per program – the Lux Pro device addresses a wide range of simple and complex health issues.

    Based on advanced BRT technology, the Lux Pro device is ideal for maintaining overall wellness and for a variety of symptoms related to aging, such as joint problems, general aches and pains, digestive issues and sleeping disorders. Additionally, it has proven to be a valuable tool for both professional and amateur athletes who are looking to improve preparation, concentration, endurance and injury recovery.


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  • LENYO Harmony

    The LENYO Harmony is and advanced BRT device designed to address both the physical and psychophysiological symptoms that are related to environmental and biological stressors such as allergies, chemical sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, trauma, stress, overstimulation and electrosmog. These symptoms may be mild to severe and may include behavioral issues, anxiety, depression, poor digestion, sleep disorders, excessive energy, mood swings, confusion and trouble concentrating.

    The Harmony offers 12 automated BRT protocols that address these issues and support a variety of emotional and physical areas including the digestive, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems. It also helps to improve emotional balance, sleep quality, concentration, energy levels, rejuvenation and mental clarity.

    Based on advanced BRT technology, the Harmony device can run four different, but synergistic, programs simultaneously – enhancing the total therapy experience and helping to relax the body, calm the mind and restore inner balance.


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  • LENYO CellCom

    The LENYO CellCom is a professional-level, BRT device that uses advanced biofeedback and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology to detect and analyze the body’s own internally generated (endogenous) information. It then utilizes that information – along with frequency, low intensity and precise signal modulation – to help optimize the body’s own biological communications, which in turn, support natural self-regulation, adaptation and healing activities.

    Designed with state-of-the art BRT technology, the CellCom offers the industry’s broadest applied frequency range (1 Hz to 1 MHz), as well as unparalleled signal modulation with alternations every 1/100th of a second. With more than 550 automated BRT programs (and subprograms) that can be combined to create synergistic protocols and customized therapy, the CellCom can address a wide range of simple and complex health concerns, restore the body’s natural balance and maintain overall wellness.

    Homeopathic Imprinter

    An optional module for the CellCom, the LENYO Homeopathic Imprinter transfers homeopathic signals (complex vibrational patterns) to portable, homeopathic remedies and carriers such as magnetic polymers, aqueous tinctures, ointments, certain metal alloys and crystals, jewels and more. The Homeopathic Imprinter allows the user to experience customized therapy between clinical sessions – either at home or on-the-go.


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